Contemporary review/driving impressions originally published in European Car February 1993 Lettered on the rear of the white Porsche is the word “Ultimate.” Rather heady and, one might suppose, a bit overwrought. Yet the braggadocio is not in the least undeserved. Because there might be more powerful Porsches, and certainly more dramatic body revisions, but it […]
Social climber: The BMW 507 was upwardly mobile
History originally published in AutoWeek October 24, 1983 The BMW 507 is a beautiful car. It is well-proportioned, refined and visually harmonious. It is a shape of classic grace and timeless elegance. The 507, however, is more than a collection of well-drawn curves. Those who know the model know it was designed by Albrecht Goertz. […]
NSU Ro80: A Car Ahead of its Time
History originally published in AutoWeek March 12, 1984 How very frustrating, how maddeningly, fist-clinching frustrating it must have been to the men who were NSU to look back upon the Ro 80 and realize how close the car and the company came to forming a successful vanguard of automotive technology. To be sure, the company […]
1939 BMW 321: From bureaucrat to burgher, the war changed many things
History originally published in AutoWeek, February 28, 1983 It was a fitting motorcar for the professional, this new BMW 321, a good choice for the man of accomplishment. It was August, 1939, and to be able to afford such an impressive automobile was a sign of having arrived at that certain station in life – […]
BMW 502: Delicate Sparkle of a Bavarian Princess
Originally published in AutoWeek, January 3, 1983 There was a time after World War II when it looked as if BMW would not survive. The entire automotive factory, tooling and plans had fallen into the Eastern Sector at Eisenach, and what was left in the West was scattered to the four corners of the earth […]
BMW Isetta 300: A Perfect Pick for the Pygmies
Originally published in Autoweek, June 20, 1983 BMW Isetta 300; Photos by John Matras The first problem is getting in. Sure, the door opens with a twist of the handle, but it’s on the front of the car. I can’t just slide in from the side like I’ve practiced for years. It’s a learned skill, […]
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