History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek, on May 23, 1988; republished by the author There probably never was in Arnolt-Bristol like Dave Hans’s back in the ‘50s. Not that there couldn’t have been. It just wouldn’t have been very likely. First of all, there’s Dave Hans’s detailed restoration. Back in the ‘50s, the Arnolt-Bristol was […]
‘57 Ford Stocker: NASCAR veteran runs again
History/track driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek November 13, 1986; republished by the author I pulled a knob on the dash turn on the ignition and pressed a button where the lighter had been to crank the starter. The engine fired with a blagga, blagga, blagga that echoed in my helmet like a headache remedy […]
1956 Morgan Plus-4: Old-fashioned at birth, it was a winner right out of the box
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek March 28, 1988, republished by the author The banjo-strung Blumel’s Brooklands steering wheel is close, good for huddling for warmth, but it still leaves my elbow in the chill autumn morning air and my upright posture would be more appropriate in a front row church pew than at the […]
Berkeley: Tiny but not insignificant
History/driving impressions republished by the author, originally published in AutoWeek October 6, 1986 Well-known late-night comedian: “This car is really small.” Audience: “How small is it?” WKLNC: “This car is so small that if Santa brought you one for Christmas, he’d leave it in your stocking – while you were still wearing it. It’s so […]
1953 Bristol 404: Brit car is a rarity, and yet it’s a stereotype
History/driving impressions republished by the author; originally published in AutoWeek March 20, 1995 It helps to imagine a British movie of the early ‘50s, one in which an R.A.F. pilot retells the story of the Battle of Britain, smoking a lot of cigarettes while driving – really sitting in a car mockup with a highway […]
1953 Arnolt-Aston Martin: “Wacky” Arnolt’s wonderful roadster boasts looks, pedigree
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek August 8, 1988. Republished by the author. One need not look any further for the origin of the Arnolt-Bristol shape than to the Arnolt-Aston Martin. Of course, that’s easier said than done because if the Arnolt-Bristol is obscure, known mostly to A-B enthusiasts, the Arnolt-AM is arcane. There were, […]
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