History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek March 14, 1988 What a name! It has magic to it, that certain…rightness. Righteousness, even as good as the car itself. Surely a tag like Silver Ghost sold many a Rolls-Royce. Sure. Except that Rolls-Royce never built a model called the Silver Ghost, never cataloged one, never sold one. […]
2006 Bentley Continental GT: W.O.’s long legs
Contemporary review originally published in CarBuzzard published March 9, 2006 One might think W.O. Bentley would be proud of the 2006 Bentley Continental GT. It has, to use the original company’s founder and namesake’s words, “long legs.” Seven league boots, perhaps, a great thumping way to put miles in the rearview mirror. That’s the Bentley […]
1967 Jensen FF: American push, British pull
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek August 9, 1982 Do something, I thought. But no, the Jensen FF belied its four-wheel-drive and behaved like a normal car. A very nice normal car, to be sure, but still a normal car. There is the subdued but omnipresent throb of the common Chrysler 383 V-8, barely audible […]
Lotus 11 Le Mans: Made for Mulsanne
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek March 31, 1986 Tears are streaming back into my ears. The 1100cc Coventry Climax engine is bellowing angrily as I try to maintain a steady speed, a futile effort anyway but more difficult by the fact that the Lotus’ non-adjustable pedals have forced me to slump low, while its […]
1958 Golden Austin-Healey 100-6
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek July 14, 1986 Have you ever held a steering wheel of solid ivory? Have you ever sat in bucket seats finished in mink? Have you ever looked out on the road over a bumper plated with 24 karat gold? Not bloody likely. Not unless you were the lucky Brit […]
Jackie Stewart remembers his time in a Lola T260
History originally published in AutoWeek November 11, 1985 Jackie Stewart has the voice of the veterinarian. With aged-in-an-oak-cask Scottish brogue, he could anesthetize a horse or soothe a savage house cat just by speaking. It’s difficult to reconcile this voice and the subject, his one season in the L&M Lola T260, one of the most […]
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