History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek October 26, 1987; republished by the author The blokes put Australia in the right place: On the other side of the globe, down under, a looking-glass world where everything is the same…only different. Take the language. Americans and Australians both speak English, although their English is, to Americans, a […]
‘57 Ford Stocker: NASCAR veteran runs again
History/track driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek November 13, 1986; republished by the author I pulled a knob on the dash turn on the ignition and pressed a button where the lighter had been to crank the starter. The engine fired with a blagga, blagga, blagga that echoed in my helmet like a headache remedy […]
1978 Dodge Li’l Red Truck: A red-hot hauler
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek March 2, 1987 Overlap, overlap, overlap, the V-8 whispers, telling secrets about its camshaft, gently rocking the truck with the merest suggestion of motion. The column shift lever is at D, forward movement prevented by my right foot on the brake pedal. As light turns green I release the […]
Shelby GT350H: Let Hertz put you in the (race) driver’s seat
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek January 25, 1988. “Business travelers who want a change in pace in motoring… Sports car owners away from home… Vacationers who consider driving an enjoyable holiday sport.” Lace up your stringback gloves, gentlemen. The Hertz Sports Car Club puts you in the driver’s seat of a GT 350 H […]
1942-43 M4A3 Medium Tank: As a Yank Tank, Sherman’s strength was in numbers
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek August 24, 1994 Five seconds. That’s how much time a GI had to exit a burning Sherman tank, if he expected to get out of it alive. Inadequately armored and undergunned compared with its German adversaries, the Sherman M4A3 Medium Tank burned –even out-and-out exploded—much too often. Though that […]
1967 Jensen FF: American push, British pull
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek August 9, 1982 Do something, I thought. But no, the Jensen FF belied its four-wheel-drive and behaved like a normal car. A very nice normal car, to be sure, but still a normal car. There is the subdued but omnipresent throb of the common Chrysler 383 V-8, barely audible […]
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