Review originally published in CarBuzzard 2005 One would like to think that the Mercedes-Benz AMG C55 is the fast and the furious for grownups. Sorta grownups, anyway, but with that corner office, a couple of kids in private school and a feeling that it’s really somewhat gauche to pull in to the lacrosse field parking […]
2007 Audi RS4: Outrunning noise
New car review originally published in December 5, 2006 To the teenager with the slammed and primered Honda at the Sheetz gas station in Somerset, Pennsylvania: A kid from rural Pennsylvania turning gangsta rap to full volume will not impress the driver of a 2007 Audi RS4–even if Audi driver is an automotive journalist […]
The Beddors’ Ruf Carrera 4 turbo EKS Porsche live up to the description “Ultimate”: A Matter of-Fact
Contemporary review/driving impressions originally published in European Car February 1993 Lettered on the rear of the white Porsche is the word “Ultimate.” Rather heady and, one might suppose, a bit overwrought. Yet the braggadocio is not in the least undeserved. Because there might be more powerful Porsches, and certainly more dramatic body revisions, but it […]
Mercedes-Benz 300SL: The class of ‘54
History/driving impressions originally published in AutoWeek October 15, 1984 At 90 mph on the sparsely traveled two-lane highway, the big Mercedes is at ease, loping along, as comfortable as a Divine Right king in an election year and twice is safe. I am securely fastened in the passenger seat by the wide lap belt, and […]
Porsche Boxster: Highballing the trunk line
Contemporary review originally published in Road & Track Sports & GT Cars 1998 I was on the way home from taking my 14-year-old daughter to music camp at Mansfield University when I stopped at a Texaco station in the little burg of Wysox, Pennsylvania. Earlier, my wife had looked at the Porsche Boxster and said […]
1999 BMW M Coupe: Warning: This coupe can be hazardous to Cougar drivers
Contemporary car review originally published in Road & Track Sports & GT Cars 1999 Good thing no one was coming the other way. The driver of the Cougar – old style, with the “formal roof” – spun his head around like a Linda Blair wannabe as he passed me and drifted into the oncoming lane. […]
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